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Love the warm weather? So do I. But it worries myself and my vet nurse daughter when we see dogs being walked at too hot a time of day, when pavements are scorchio. Or flat faced (brachiocephalic) dogs being exercised without dilgence to the heat, or dogs being exercised with a ball flinger in the heat of the day…and trust me, it is not pleasant at all seeing your dog in heat distress…


One of my dogs, Cassini, suffered from heatstroke when the weather was of high humidity, which I didn’t know at the time though, I hadn’t long adopted her. I discovered the hard way, thinking cloud cover would be fine to walk the dogs in a field one warm afternoon. It wasn’t. Luckily, I was a qualified pet first aid instructor and knew exactly what to do. But I never risked it ever again.

Read on for tips on hot dogs and how best to avoid them, hopefully this never happens to you.

One of my referring vet practices, Winterbourne and Brimsham Vet Clinics, has this sensible advice:

1. Do not leave dogs in cars
Did you know it can take as little as 6 minutes to lose your best friend to heat stroke from being left inside a hot car.

2. Check the temperature of the paths and roads before walking
Did you know Dogs sweat through the pads on their feet and they can get burnt just like us if we went out with no shoes. Edit by me - touch the pavement with the BACK of your hand, too hot for you it's too hot for your dog.

3. Don't throw that ball
However much he asks, please don't repeatedly throw toys for your dog to fetch, this can cause over heating during hot spells. Games, such as hiding his favourite toy or treat or practising basic training in your home such as sit, down, stay etc for just 5 minutes will provide them with mental stimulation and will be just as tiring as going for a walk. Edit by me - dogs need to pant to cool, so a ball in the mouth will inhibit the panting.

4. Try and walk early in the morning and later in the evenings
Every where will be cooler before the sun comes up. Try and walk on the grass and shaded area's where possible. Edit by me - Try and find wooded areas or bodies of safe water for cool exercise and if your dog doesn't want to go, don’t force them. It won’t kill your dog to miss a walk but walking in the heat might.

5. Provide fresh, clean drinking water for your pets
You could also provide them with cool mats or cool coats to lie on and cool down.

6. Enjoy the lovely weather and stay safe.



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