media content


I occasionally get invited to present to media in varying formats, much as I’m not one for being in the public eye and prefer spending my time helping people not trying to get likes on social media, doing this type of work can help a far reaching audience get help for their pets, so totally worth me brushing my wild hair and getting out of my comfort zone. Read on for more info.



Pet food company Edgard and Cooper asked me to collaborate on an article for pets and Christmas, which I naturally said yes too. It is an excellent article if may say so myself!


The BBC invited me to help them make a little video to help pet owners struggling with lockdown. It was fun to see an hours worth of footage, mostly me snorting, giggling and saying um condensed into a few minutes of footage.


Ask the expert

Click here to view my Ask the Expert Facebook event for the APBC on Bull Terriers, and other bull breeds…I can talk about them for hours. I don’t consider myself an expert on them per say but I am a behaviour expert. Watch out for all ums…

k9 nation feature image.png


We got talking about dogs being emotional and sentient beings, the change in the law and about behaviour. Find my episode ‘understanding our dogs emotions’ in all the usual places you get your podcasts.


BBC Radio Bristol- Breakfast show 13/10/22

I was featured on the show having a fun chat with James about cat behaviour, specifically why cats bring home prey what the most bizarre thing your cat brought home was!

Two articles written for the Mirror online in 2022

One on dangerous TikTok challenges and one on ADHD and dogs!

More links to media I’ve been involved in recently:

Let’s talk about dog walkers on Be Dog Wise

Multi pet households - cats and dogs on K9 Nation

Travelling in cars with pets - Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors APBC, article available to all pet owners

Dressing dogs up for Halloween - A radio interview for the Pet Professional Guild hosted by Nando Brown of The School of Canine Science (2012)

I have also written for Bull Terrier monthly, been featured in other media such as newspapers and presented webinars and interviewed in other formats I just don’t have the links any more!


I was asked to partake in a podcast by a pet insurance company called Napo, with a short video reel (will be shared on my social media) on the subject of Autumnal challenges such as Halloween, poo hidden under leaves, Bonfire Night. It’s a 2 part series and I feature in this first part. Hit the learn more button to listen to the podcast or find it across all podcasts platforms.